Power BI Service Live Connection (ability to load a list of all reports for each Workspace)
Currently the Power BI Services Live Connection lets me only import one report data at the time. It would be very helpful if once each Power BI Workspace is selected users can load a list of all reports posted on this Workspace (for report inventory purposes)
Bug: Power BI Matrix/Table (in Preview) doesn't treat custom number formats as numbers
This is actually a bug and not an idea. When custom formatted in DAX measures are plugged in the matrix/table (in preview), they are treated as text. As a result all numbers are aligned to the left instead of to the right as expected.
Bug: Power BI Matrix/Table (in Preview) changes size despite auto format being turned off
Even though the Auto Size is turned off, the matrix (in preview) keeps changing sizes. This poses issues when trying to align with other charts and in addition, the size that the matrix changes to cuts off numbers (so definitely two bugs to think about - first, don't allow the matrix to change in...