Selecting a Legend Item should zoom in the Y-Axis
I have a column chart with some values dominating the scale. If I select the legend item, the other columns do shade away, but the Y-Axis remains the same, still making it very difficult to see the actual columns of what I selected. If the Y-Axis would rescale when selecting the legend item, to t...
Place dates in the subject of subscription emails
Email clients do better at differentiating conversations based off of the subject. But all emails sent from Power BI for the same report have the same subject. The default subject should include the timestamp that the original email is sent.
Exporting to Excel should keep background colors
My report has a table with a couple of rows. One of the columns has different background colors based on the values of the cell. When exporting to Excel, I would really like the color to be preserved.
Copy Legend name from line chart
I have a line chart with some really long Legend/Series names. It would be very useful to right click and select "Copy Legend Name" either on the line chart, or from the Legend.
Substitute fill patterns for colors in high contrast mode
When in High Contrast mode it would be helpful if instead of having different colors, have different fill patterns to help distinguish series from one another.
Copy the value of the tree map subsection
Looking at a TreeMap I can see an interesting box and would like to copy the name/label for the box, so I can paste it in an email. Add a copy value/copy label/copy name option to the context menu in the Tree Map.