Expand/Collapse folders in Field pane
When searching for an attribute or a measure in the field list all folders/tables are automatically expanded to show the underlying items that match the search criteria. It would however be a significant UX improvement if the expanded folders where collapseable one by one in the field list.
ribbon chart to bump chart
Today we can use DAX trix to change line charts to bump charts (see here: https://www.syntelli.com/how-to-make-bump-charts-in-power-bi-tutorial) The Ribbon chart could be a great frequently used visual. If we could use the ranking system within the ribbon visual to change it from a ribbon cha...
Dataflows: Refactor suggestion to remove columns for warning “complex types cannot be loaded”
As a user, when I import a table from a sql database which has a foreign key to another table, the UI automagically adds additional columns of datatype “table” for the user to easily join to those tables and add other data to the common query. In dataflows these are sometimes inconvenient. A ca...
Search using AND or OR operator in Text Filter bar
The text filter is a useful tool but unfortunately doesn't support Boolean algebra. Would be great to be able to search for multiple search items connected by AND or OR. E.g. "waste OR Abfall" in a column containing multiple language data.
Dataset Versioning upon publishing to workspace
When you publish from Power BI Desktop and override an existing dataset in a workspace, it would be a nice add-on to be asked, if we would want to keep version history of the dataset and even the reports. Similar function exists in OneDrive for business when you save a file there - why not in Pow...
Restrict member from publishing report in a workspace
When we are publishing reports to Microsoft teams, members could be able to re-publish the reports with no restriction on it creating chaos. At least app level security was preventing them from updating the app. So this restriction on the member publishing activity is much needed when publishing ...
Update documentation for Power BI REST API via Powershell: Create Datasource
The documentation on how to create or update gateway data sources using PowerShell needs to be updated. Several users experience issues: https://community.powerbi.com/t5/Developer/Power-BI-REST-API-via-Powershell-Create-Datasource/m-p/590293#M17980 - A working example would be helpfull - Detaill...
Allow admin to disable Direct Query mode on Gateway
We configured an enterprise gateway to allow analysts to do schedule refreshes of their PBI reports. However, they've discovered direct query mode and so now they're hammering our database with a ton of direct queries that seem to be being refreshed constantly. I'd like to see a way to configure...
Power BI Enterprise Gateway for report on both OnPremise & Cloud data sources
Power BI Enterprise gateway can not refresh (schedule or on demand) Power BI reports created on both On premise and Cloud data sources. As suggested by Microsoft, as part of a incident, to use personal mode Gateway for such case when a report uses both On premise and Cloud data sources. But perso...
Auto-hide option for visual header
If beforehand you know users will zoom in a lot it would be useful to show that option straight away. In Visual header we have quite some options, but we miss an "Auto-hide" option which is set to On by default. That way we would be able to set it to off and always have the buttons like "Drill Do...