Entrance page menu
Create an entrance page for users where they can see all the reports or dashboards they have permission to. Something that is like a menu but looks good, with small icons of the first page of each model. Like qlikview has.
QTD Weekly Evolution W-1
Weekly Evolution W-1 : Compare Quarter to Date Results W-1 till Quarter to Date Today (keep 7 calendar days in between) to compare evolution of the realisation and for checking if we are working in the correct trend in our actions taken on short term action plans
I need to take a few values and see the amount of values in a few categories
I need to take a few values and see the number of values in a few categories. example: I have 7 days a week, each day I get all the persons names, I want to be able to say how many people come every day.
Applied slicers are visible in exported PDF/PowerPoint from Power BI Service. But unable to see the filters applied from the filter pane.
Please display the applied filters from the filter pane on the exported PDF/PPT from the Power BI Service. Thank you!
Allow Power BI Admin to access Pro users' My workspace.
Hello Team, As a Power BI admin, I want my Enterprise resources to be monitored at any given time. For our day- to- day requirements, we need to assess the user's activity on Power BI Service. The feature that I am advocating for, fosters accountability. Thank you.
Allow for Custom Hyperlinks
Currently Power BI only allows standard hyperlinks such as http:// https:// ftp:// file:// etc. Please either allow for a non-Standard link such as: “Epicact:ADT_PATIENT_STATION,InfoName:PatientID,InfoValue: ***,InfoCvtID:EPT” OR Allow for the creation of dynamic html based columns that fu...
Export to PDF for organizational visuals
Enable Export to PDF for organizational visuals. Right now any visual under organizational visual not able use Export to PDF and would be appreciated if this feature is enable to organizational visuals.
Allow setting of Slicer State at report level - without having to find individual visual objects
Power BI Embedding allows for slicer state to be set when initial embedding is performed. An array of ISlicer objects can be passed into an IEmbedConfiguration - targeting slicers by table/column names. After embedding has completed, the only way to update a slicers state is to use 'setSlicerSta...
Remove Specific Rows from a power BI dataset using REST API
Not able to remove specific rows a Power BI dataset using REST API. Need this feature to be implemented as soon as possible.
Automatic report page change to navigate pages in browser
Option to maximize the report page and then navigate the pages like in PowerPoint