Support Escape key to close Advanced Editor dialog
Get dataset query via REST API
Make it possible to get information of the dataset query via REST API. We would like to know which SAP HANA views are used in each dataset.
Enable\disable Power Query steps
One checkbox on the side of the cogs on the applied steps that allows us to disable and enable any step on Power Query. Good for testing possibilities without having to recreate steps.
Add a desktop feature (and web) to link users to different tabs within the report
Add a desktop feature (and web) to link users to different tabs within the report. So we can create an "overview page" with some high level items for various items and then easily navigate the reader to the more detailed tabs specific to each item on the overview, etc.
The last refresh attempt failed because of an internal service error
I receive an error msg on Power BI Service "The last refresh attempt failed because of an internal service error " when refreshing my data. I talked to MS Support team and they suggested me to delete the old dataset and upload it again. Why it does not work when I republish the dataset. Isn't the...
Support Switching Data Sources Between Power BI Datasets and Analysis Services
Support Switching Data Sources Between Power BI Datasets and Analysis Services
Change Theme using Bookmarks (allow for Colour Blind theme button)
allow themes to be changed via bookmarks. For example, allow users to change the theme of a report to a color blind friendly palette at the click of a button
Dynamic renaming of fields in visuals
I would like to dynamically rename visual field names. This would automate the extensive manual clicking when reusing a report with many visuals for several customers. For instance, in a given chart, I would like to display 'Company Ltd' instead of 'Median of CustomerRevenue', where 'Company Ltd'...
API set and manage Data alerts in Power BI service
It would be great to have an API to set and manage Data 'alerts's in Power BI service Currently this functionality only exists on web interface.'alerts's
Data Labels Misplacement in Line Chart
Having trouble correcting the data label location in Line Charts or Area charts. The problem is that the data labels are upside-down in some Cases.