Take a month off from new features and focus on bugs/reliability
In the past few months, reliability of refreshes and service performance has been below historical standards. Please focus the development teams on improved communication and efforts to avoid user disruptions. We would trade months of new features for reliable performance. We are advocates and lo...
Please implement Rolling Fiscal Half Year logic
We have rolling quarter logic already in Power BI, same way we require Rolling Half Year logic based on Quarter. Thanks
Feature Availability for All Environments Listed in Documentation/Blog Posts
When new features are made available and announced, it is common practice to announce a date/date range when it will roll out. Please include a section that talks about dates for sovereign clouds as well. As a GCC Power BI admin, I (as well as our users) get frustrated waiting for features, and...
Visual interaction option not filtering any other visuals as a default
I often need to add a new visual, which should only filter one or two of all the many visuals existing in report page. In this case it is painful to go through all the other visuals to remove the interaction. It would be good to have a visual level option for not interact with anything as a defau...
When can we get to upgrade Classic WorkSpaces to the New Workspace Experience
Would like ability to save default values for visual formatting options (e.g. font size, face, weight, etc.)
In an effort to standardize and streamline development of visuals in Power BI Desktop, it would be nice to be able to save default formats for fonts, etc., as we tend to not always use the out of the box defaults.
Add the ability to give re-share permissions for the datasets in an app.
I would like to be able to give the option for users to re-share datasets from a workspace's app in addition to being able to connect to a dataset.
Don't change case of letters when applying query changes
Give an option to not change upper case letters to lower case letters when applying changes from the Power Query Editor.
New look navigation pane - auto scroll to opened page
When linking to a tab, have the vertical navigation pane automatically have the tab you're on at the top.
mock up mode to wireframe reports
I wish there was a "mock-up" mode in Power BI where myself or a report requester could mock-up the report layout using the base visualizations. These would appear as place holders that could be resized only and allow for text boxes to make comments and place titles.