Change/add item owner
There are only one owner on item, so we can´t change or add new owner on item created by another. E.g. only owner can create deployment pipeline rules, If this owner is not in company more, we can´t create rules for deployment,
We think minimum contributor ...
Only default lakehouse is visible on deployment rules for notebooks
We have a Notebook where there a connected to multiple lakehouses and when we move this Noteboook from dev workspace to test workspace, we can only make one deployment rule for the default lakehouse, the others lakehouses we have to change manually every time we deploy. same problem for moving...
moving fabric items between workspaces are not changing the connected workspaces to the new workspace
Every time we deploy data pepeline with notebook activities from one workspace to another workspace.The connected workspace are not changing in data pipeline -> notebook "settings" -> "workspace name/id" to the connected workspace, but still on the old workspace.
So we need...
Add option to add not default (multiple) lakehouses to notebooks e.g. using PySpark
I need function to add multiple lakehouses in nootebook automatic/scripting
Problem: Then I use Deployment Pipeline, its take all lakehouses from Dev workspace, and I need to change every lakehouses manually every time. Multiple of my nootebook using 3 to 6 leakhous. and if i...