Controlling the right click options users can see for charts on a Power BI page - Include, Exclude, Analyze
Can we have options of deciding whether to have Include, Exclude, and Analyze show in the right click and edit for users in the published view?
Formatting of the keyboard tab selection in shapemap visuals
There is a need for the opportunity to format the selected state boundary when using the keyboard tab for shapemap visuals, so that one can make the line darker for the selected state different from the boundary for all states, regardless of the colors used for the boundary and polygon shape f...
Copying customized object(s)/image(s)/graphic(s) on a visual, not just the defaults visual elements
Let us assume there is a chart or map visual with a customized object(s)/image(s)/graphic(s), etc. When the visual is copied to a clipboard for use in, let's say a PowerPoint slide, it does not copy the customized object(s)/image(s)/graphic(s). It is possible to make the copy a snapshot of all...
Chart axis fixed slider and tick labels formatting
Can we have the opportunity of having a slider for charts, but with the option of not making it to zoom? So it is fixed based on the set maximum and minimum values and users cannot zoom across the x or y-axis values, and it would be nice if the values can have tick labels like in Excel.
Selecting zoom features to make visible or not when embedding a dashboard page in a web page.
Possible to have the ability to turn on or off the different types of zoom features when embedding a Power BI dashboard in a web page without having to create a customized JavaScript outside of the environment? E.g., one can "turn off the +/- zoom functionality symbols", so it is not visible w...
Make title label in Focus Mode responsive to the viewing scale
Can we have responsive title labels in focus mode? Currently, if there is a visual title that is lengthy or two lines, only the first few words or half of the title will show in focus mode. Please, make it responsive to show the whole title available in normal mode.