Tenant setting language consistency
Could we change the definition of tenant settings that 'block' a feature? Settings that use 'enabled' or other positive language should always open up a feature rather than close it down, otherwise it's confusing as to which way the setting should be set (we have to 'enable' a setting in order to...
Sort out Gateway APIs to return accurate information
Current Get Gateways API returns a mix of information that isn't correct. It seems there isn't an understanding that a gateway != gateway cluster, and API returns only the primary gateway within a cluster. Name returned is of the primary gateway and not the cluster name. We should be able to r...
Allow multiple credentials for a data source in Power BI desktop
Data source settings does not allow you to store multiple credentials for the same data source in the global settings. We can do so in the gateway, so should be able to do so here.
Make PBI desktop the one-stop IDE for all of Power BI
Developing locally is far better than browser based editing for all the usual reasons - limited functionality, session timeouts and connectivity issues, lack of source control or any visibility of your artifact. Unfortuantely, there are still too many artifacts that must be edited in browser, ...
Power Query editor should not delete comments
When deleting a step, any adjacent comments are also deleted. I understand this is because comments are considered an attribute of a step, but there is absolutely no reason to delete comments along with steps. In the case where lines are commented out as a developer experiments, they can easil...