Option to find out how many users are using Analyze in excel in the organization.
Could you please provide an option to find how many users are using Analyze in excel inside the organization.
Power BI Admin should have an option to get the information of how many users are using Analyze in excel inside their organization.
As analyze is Excel is deprecated and still some of the users are using the feature. It would be very helpful for the Admin's if we have an option to get the above information.
Please enable case sensitivity in Power BI
As PBI is case insensitive and if we use SSAS in case sensitive mode we will end-up see values merged in visual. Please provide an option to enable case sensitivity in Power BI
Option to change the path of the file, without changing the source of the file
When ever we change the location of PBIX file, we request not to change the link shared with end users.
Power App visual in a report, must not request to sign in embed reports.
The Power App visual doesn't work with embed tokens (when using master user/service principal), this visual requires user identity and connection to Azure AD. We currently don't have a way to authenticate to this visual without AAD token, which exists on Power BI service, and not on Power BI Embe...
Get an automated way to obtain the details of all the reports published to Power BI Service
Can we get an metrics to get all the details of reports that are published to service along with user details of the whole tenant.
Ability of to connect to Protected Excel document
connect to Protected Excel document is not possible as of now, we request for the feature to connect to protected documents from PBI Desktop
Power BI Rest API call to get a real time data, without refreshing the dataset manually
When a report is connected to Devops Rest API, we expect an API call to get the real time data to the end users rather giving access to the dataset to the user.
Ability of to connect to Protected Excel document
connect to Protected Excel document is not possible as of now, we request for the feature to connect to protected documents from PBI Desktop
Block the expiration of the refresh-token due to inactivity of the live AAS report
We see that the reports are live connected to PBI Datasets are getting timedout due to inactivity.
Can we make the refresh token active for days or weeks after I obtained it please.