Make Analysis Services Tabular Models a supported data source for Power BI Embedded
Make Analysis Services Tabular Models a supported data source for Power BI Embedded
Allow the page background color of a report page tooltip to match the data color being hovered over
When setting up a report page tool tip, it would be nice to have an option for the page background color to match the data color of the visual that is being hovered over from the main page.
Live Connect without download of .pbix
Currently, the live connection to a dataset is coupled with the tenant setting of Export data. If you want to stop a user from downloading a .pbix dataset, you must disable export. Doing so disables the functionality to connect live to the dataset and create a report from Power BI Desktop. The...
Dynamic Column Headers/Measure Names
It would be very nice to be able to have an expression value in the Rename for this Visual menu item so that measure names in a visual could be dynamic. This way, you can dynamically put measures in a visual using parameter harvesting and have a column header that matches what the user has se...