CRM user rights
Hi, As a single user credentials is used in PowerBI, we cannot really deploy PowerBI in Dynamics CRM online because, the same data are displayed for all the users. Shall we build several PowerBI with several credentials ?
Multiple relationships for CRM
Hi all, when connecting PowerBi to Dynamics CRM, we need to connect 2 tables (or more) to the same table (entity)
mix requests on Dynamics CRM for test purpose
Hi, to be sure to get consistent data against several table, we now need to merge to requests. But for big tables such as customers and a custom entity called "transactions", I would rather test my data by telling powerbi to download transactions only when there is already a downloaded Customer. ...
Dynamics CRM picklist
Hi, we cannot retrieve the labels and codes from any CRM picklist. Then instaed of adding a lot of "replace" rule in the data query, I built a excel file with several tables to make the "transcodification". Basically, I import the Excel file in the powerBi designer and i built some relationships ...
Power BI Service return crm context with DAX ou parameters
Here is the business case : we want to embed Power BI into Microsoft CRM web forms (ex : Account). Then, we need to be able to pass the guid of the account to filter the report.
Filtering data through distance in a map
Would be helpful to be able in a map to select a record and ask for all the other records around within 10 km, 20 km, etc.