BW on 2019-06-12 02:59:49
New Desktop app update installed an almost white user interface. There is zero contrast which is not good for the eyes. I see where some people have requested a light interface so incorporate an option to select either light or dark theme like in the Office apps.
Administrator on 1/22/2024 8:30:53 AM
This request is on our roadmap, but we don't have timelines to share yet. We'll update this idea when there are more details to share. Thank you!
- Comments (958)
- Merged Idea (19)
Ben Kayser on 2023-05-31 16:47:35
Dark Mode for Power BI Wed Version
Please implement a dark mode option for the web version of Power BI. A variety of themes in general would be really awesome.
m on 2019-07-03 04:13:35
PLEASE ALLOW TO REVERT BACK TO THE DARK MODE - POWER BI Desktop. (Our users are complaining)
John Miles on 2021-09-03 12:47:54
View the desktop app in Dark Mode / High Contrast
I can't find a way to set the actual application to dark mode / high contrast. A workaround is to set Windows 10 to dark mode, but sometimes this is inefficient.
Felipe Celis on 2022-08-25 14:26:10
Dark Mode plis
I need dark color in PowerBi pls, my eyes and my mind would greatful.Regards
Alexander Roseberry on 2023-01-31 17:29:12
Dark Mode
Dark Mode for the whole application. The overall white background can be blinding, so being able to switch would be received well I believe.
Vinicius Daminelli on 2021-01-05 14:53:39
Matthew Dixon on 2023-03-15 19:44:39
Dark mode please - accessibility issue
Just trialling PowerBI as an alternative to qlik and tableau.. can you make a dark mode please, it's 2023. White is very painful for people with sensitive eyes, it's an accessiblity issue
Danilo Cabral on 2022-03-28 21:13:50
Dark Mode Interface Power BI Desktop
Please,Make dark mode interface available in Power BI Desktop interface.We really need.
Ricardo Carrasco on 2023-03-07 14:47:06