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Power BI


Visibilty (Hide an Item)

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Luca Gualtieri's profile image

Luca Gualtieri on 2019-02-01 02:44:01

Develop an item formatting property which allows to set the visibility of a report item when you want to conditionally hide the item based on a report parameter or some other expression that you specify (also DAX expressions).

You can develop this incrementally starting from visuals, then text boxes, then shapes and buttons....

If you want to go the extra mile, you can also develop a functionality that allows the final user to toggle the visibility of report items.

For more information and since it was an available and really useful capability see "Add an Expand or Collapse Action to an Item (Report Builder and SSRS)".

I double checked in the ideas database and there are many ideas describing the same functionality; this is the reason why I do believe this is really required and will try to collect all the previous votes under this item.

Administrator on 10/18/2022 12:57:38 AM

Update 10/17: This is now in our upcoming roadmap and we will share more details in the coming months. Mo

Comments (143) Merged Idea (29)
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Andrea Zucco's profile image

Andrea Zucco on 2020-08-07 03:57:18

Power BI

Show/Hide visual by measure

Now we can implement this behaviour using a card to hide the visual. The order of the visuals (front to back) needs to be: the card then the visual to show/hide. To hide dynamically the card by a measure I can only use background but when the card (front) is transparent I cannot perform the inter...

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Jon S's profile image

Jon S on 2018-08-09 20:44:42

Power BI

Selection Pane - Formulas/Conditions to set visibility

The ability to set whether a visual/object is visible depending on a formula or any kind of dynamic condition.

Vote 224
's profile image

on 2018-12-04 19:20:08

Power BI

Conditional hide visuals based on value

Would be useful to be able to use for example variable to calculate value and based on that value to show/hide a graphical visual . If conditions are met, show visual, otherwise hide.

Vote 234
MaJd Awad's profile image

MaJd Awad on 2018-01-22 19:59:18

Power BI

Show/Hide Visualizations based on slicer value

Show/Hide Visualizations based on slicer value

Vote 8
's profile image

on 2016-05-20 01:46:17

Power BI

Add show/hide formatting attribute for visuals that can be set to a measure or column for dynamic attribute assignment.

Add show/hide formatting attribute for visuals that can be set to a measure or column for dynamic attribute assignment.

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Hanan Aqilan's profile image

Hanan Aqilan on 2017-01-03 22:27:35

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micael williamson's profile image

micael williamson on 2019-08-05 02:56:01

Power BI

Control Visibility of Visual based on value selected in another visual

Be able to toggle visibility of a visual based on selection in another visual

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Vishesh Saxena's profile image

Vishesh Saxena on 2021-08-14 15:32:55

Power BI

Conditional formatting in visual visibility (Show/Hide eye icon) property

There should be conditional formatting option through DAX to control visibility of a visual  

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Jose Peña's profile image

Jose Peña on 2020-11-30 20:40:06

Power BI

Visibility Properties for Objects (Images or Visual Objects) like PowerApps Properties

It would be great to have an option to hide/show the object base on a filed value ej. If a card value is "High Level" and Image related to that would be visible if card value is "Low Level" another different image would be visible

Vote 7
Bernat Agulló's profile image

Bernat Agulló on 2021-08-05 13:15:48

Power BI

Measure driven object visibility

I would love that visibility of objects could be tied to a boolean measure. That would open a whole new range of dashboard interactions
