David Vella on 2017-03-03 15:47:34
If you have long names on a bar chart Y-Axis they get truncated. This is a problem if you have ones that start with something similar. Could we have a word wrap option on the format menu that takes advantage of the vertical space so the whole label can be shown.
Administrator on 4/1/2024 5:43:28 AM
We are working on this
- Comments (235)
- Merged Idea (29)
Arefeen Shamsuzzoha on 2021-02-24 21:18:10
Wrap for all Labels in All Visuals
For ALL labels in ALL visuals, word wrapping needs to be the default, with an option to toggle off.
Kristina Ostergaard on 2022-01-06 20:46:33
Kara Coutu on 2020-12-22 13:25:37
Wrap Text in Chart Visualizations
Currently, there is no way to wrap the text in a bar chart, so when doing analysis on clinical/diagnostic categories, the text is shortened and you're limited on size. Having the ability to wrap text on the x or Y axis, will allow user to see the full text!
Charlotte Robinson on 2021-01-22 12:14:26
Improvements to radar chart
Great chart but it would be even better if we had the option to change the size of the data points, wrap the axis label text, disable the lines linked to the axes name and most importantly, specify the min and max y axis values.
Murali Arikatla on 2020-10-27 13:53:41
Word wrap for X axis labels in charts
it is always difficult to align the charts if we have more categories to display on charts with long names. It would be great if you can bring that in next update
Neha Pathak on 2021-07-22 05:07:51
Wrap Text In Tree Map Chart
There is not Wrap text option available in Tree Map chart and the space in chart goes unutilized. Wrap option can help visualization easy to read and understand.
Mohana Priya Logakrishnan on 2021-03-08 16:08:46
Wrap up legend categories (positioned right/left) if the length is greater than 20 or 30
There is no provision in Power BI to wrap the categories of legend according to length or by one of these special characters (, / * ; - ). For example, I am creating a filled map where the length of the label is more than 50 in some cases - e.g. Oxford/AstraZeneca, Pfizer/BioNTech, Sinopharm/Beij...
Carlos Yugar on 2021-02-16 16:41:08
Allow for Text Wrapping for Decomposition Trees
There seems to be a character limit for text fields for the Decomposition tree. Would LOVE to see this limit be expanded. Or at least have the ability to wrap the text.
GIORGIA LICATA on 2021-10-29 07:35:07
Michael Stephens on 2021-08-23 19:22:15
Text wrap for y-axis category in horizontal bar charts
Need the ability to have text wrap for the y-axis category of horizontal bar charts. My suggestion would be to use the height of each bar as what controls how lines of text are visible. In the attached image, area A is an example of a default horizontal bar chart. In area B the minimum c...