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Under Review

Refresh dashboards tiles when i change a report

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Alberto Alpizar's profile image

Alberto Alpizar on 21 Aug 2015 05:19:26

It very annoying having to re-draw every dashboard that uses a specific report. It would be nice having automatic refresh of the dashboard tile when I change a report involved.

Comments (67)
Alberto Alpizar's profile image Profile Picture

Pim Vermeulen on 05 Jul 2020 22:46:30

RE: Refresh dashboards tiles when i change a report


How can i make sure the 'hard selected filters' won't interact with the tile i want to place on the dashboard when the tile(card visual in my situation) is placed on a report page that is using hard filters?

Kind regards,


Alberto Alpizar's profile image Profile Picture

DAvid on 05 Jul 2020 22:44:44

RE: Refresh dashboards tiles when i change a report

1 trick...Pin a live report page to your dashboard this will drive the dashboard to automatically refresh.
But If you tiles still don't refresh its probably because you have 'hard selected' filters on them. Trick create a measure that dynamically updates with no need to select hard filters then these will also update.

Alberto Alpizar's profile image Profile Picture

John Smith on 05 Jul 2020 22:43:49

RE: Refresh dashboards tiles when i change a report

2 years and still waiting

Alberto Alpizar's profile image Profile Picture

Gowtham Tamilvendan on 05 Jul 2020 22:40:04

RE: Refresh dashboards tiles when i change a report

When we can expect the time of completion? Much irritating every time we are pining visuals to the Dashboard :(

Alberto Alpizar's profile image Profile Picture

Nika on 05 Jul 2020 22:39:20

RE: Refresh dashboards tiles when i change a report

I have a dashboard set up for management that I wanted to update every month after new financial data comes in. I have pinned some graphs and visuals to the dashboard. As I got new data, I was expecting to see the graphs and visuals changing. So I made a change to the visual on a report, and the dashboard hasn't updated to reflect the change, the visual is still the same. It takes a lot of time to pin the new visuals to the dashboard, edit them (same as the previous months graph was edited) and delete the old visual. It's just tedious.

I can see why someone would want a static visual on their dashboard, but i believe the majority would want to have dynamic visuals... Can't it be an option when pinning: static or dynamic pinning? This would help a lot.

I'm surprised there aren't more votes on this... maybe because it's marked as started and people don't want to waste votes on something that's being worked on? I can see this started in November 2015. It's now Feb 2017, and still no update on this matter... Please, update us.

Alberto Alpizar's profile image Profile Picture

Drazen Durinic on 05 Jul 2020 22:37:18

RE: Refresh dashboards tiles when i change a report

Must have option :)

Alberto Alpizar's profile image Profile Picture

Claus Rasmussen on 05 Jul 2020 22:36:01

RE: Refresh dashboards tiles when i change a report

'+1 on this, it should be possible to hard link tiles with the report so that changes in report layout automatically is done on the dashboard also.

There is alot of redudant work at the moment because we have to update the dashboard all the time......

Alberto Alpizar's profile image Profile Picture

Ata on 05 Jul 2020 22:35:48

RE: Refresh dashboards tiles when i change a report

still waiting...this feature will increase productivity a lot

Alberto Alpizar's profile image Profile Picture

Dawn Stevenson on 05 Jul 2020 22:35:04

RE: Refresh dashboards tiles when i change a report

we're a while into this, do you have another update please?

Alberto Alpizar's profile image Profile Picture

Thomas Winkelsdorf on 05 Jul 2020 22:33:45

RE: Refresh dashboards tiles when i change a report

Hi Admins,
Status "started" was set one year ago - are there any updates regarding this issue?