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Microsoft Idea

Power BI

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Enable minimizing Visuals section in Visualization pane

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Uttam Shukla on 02 Apr 2021 15:31:29

The visuals in Power BI with several configuration options that are listed in the Visualization pane lower section. It needs lot of scrolling back and forth to get to the right configuration option and set the desired value.

Currently the top part of visualization pane is occupied by visuals icons, and this space cannot be minimized or collapsed. Further when I add custom visuals, this area grows further. When I am done with adding all the visuals, I want to focus on configuring the visuals and would like to see them listed in larger area so that there is less scrolling required. However, since visual icons sections on the top can neither be resized nor collapsed, I am forced to use the little area at the bottom Visualization pane to make all configuration changes. This is very cumbersome, particularly for complex visuals with several configuration options that expand further vertically.

Please provide an option to collapse / minimize the top area of Visualization pane so that it is easier to work with the configuration options for visuals.