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PowerBI API Fails with non HTTP 200 and no details of failur when capacity DirectQuery/Live Connection (per sec) limit is near being reached

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Power BI Ideas Admin on 07 Jan 2020 03:12:31

Critical PowerBI API calls fail with non HTTP 200 status and no details in JSON response when capacity DirectQuery/Live Connection (per sec) limit is near being reached.

The PowerBI APIs should return with a HTTP 200 status and provide details that the DirectQuery/Live Connection (per sec) metric is near the capacity level limit or even exceeded it and return a proper status. Right now the API will fail with an HTTP 401 or HTTP 500 completely failing and no JSON or response back.

We call the Microsoft PowerBI api using the Microsoft.PowerBI.Api NuGet package version 2.5.0

Examples of places we are seeing these failures:
Microsoft.PowerBI.Api.V2.ReportsExtensions.GetReportsInGroup(IReports operations, String groupId)

Microsoft.PowerBI.Api.V2.Reports.d__22.MoveNext ()