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Ability to see the workspace of the related Semantic Model when select "See Related Content" and navigate

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Shannon Holck on 07 Feb 2024 17:12:19

As a developer supporting Power BI reports and datasets (now named semantic models), I need to be able to see which Semantic Models associated to a report and which workspace the Semantic Model reside within especially if they are part of a Power BI App. When I receive a Help Desk request with a link to the URL that takes me to a report in an app or in a workspace and I select "See Related Content" I see the name of the Semantic Model, but I cannot tell which workspace that Semantic Model comes from. Within my organization we use shared Semantic Models and there might be a copy of that same Semantic Model in a dev workspace, a qa workspace, a uat workspace, and the production workspace, etc. So knowing which it is pointed to will help me identify and fix the problem more quickly.

When I select "Open Lineage View" I need to be able to see the source of the data for the report ... Not just the report itself. What is the purpose of the Lineage View if you cannot see the lineage?

PS - Why does the feedback tool no longer support attachments of screenshots?