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Power BI

Under Review

Publish App via REST API

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on 09 Aug 2017 16:39:56

The REST API allows me to programmatically deploy a new set of reports to a Power BI App Workspace, but there is no way to then Publish this App to make it available to the users via the REST API. This is stopping me from creating a complete deployment system for Power BI reports for use in a Continuous Deployment process.

Currently I have to manually navigate to the App workspace and press the 'Deploy App' button in my browser.

Comments (58)
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Leon Pouwels on 15 Aug 2022 10:16:10

RE: Publish App via REST API

This is the last bit we need for a full DevOps backed CI/CD for Power BI. Shame to see that such an easy step is not possible as a seperate REST call. Especially when the Pipeline API can handle this request.

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Anssi Leino on 14 Apr 2022 11:06:35

RE: Publish App via REST API

We've been running a custom Selenium solution to publish apps for the past three years in DevOps CI/CD, would be nice to be able to do the same via API. One less thing to keep up-to-date as UI and login processes change.

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Daniel Castro on 21 Mar 2022 16:05:41

RE: Publish App via REST API

Are we still waiting for this? In a multi tenant workspace architecture this is actually something painful to update the apps 1 by 1

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Darren Fishell on 01 Feb 2022 21:27:14

RE: Publish App via REST API

Echoing sentiments below! This is a small addition that would make a big difference.

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Rohan Shenoy on 07 Dec 2021 17:02:45

RE: Publish App via REST API

Any update on this? Would be the final piece to close the CI/CD process loop. Thanks!

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Paolo Ravina on 02 Dec 2021 20:18:30

RE: Publish App via REST API

This feature is critical for enterprise (non Premium) capacity customers to implement CI/CD pipelines. Its causing my team major headaches/impacting customer experience.

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Mattias De Coninck on 26 Oct 2021 15:09:08

RE: Publish App via REST API

This should be added, functionality is already available as part of the deployment pipelines see:

But the deployment pipelines are just not enough for complex usecases.

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Paul Rowland on 15 Sep 2021 16:09:54

RE: Publish App via REST API

Agree with everyone else here. It's a real buzz-kill to have to actually open a browser, navigate to the workspace of the published report & hit update app. Should have the ability to perform API call and refresh in power shell / power automate. Make this happen Microsoft!

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Charles Abetz on 13 Aug 2021 00:04:09

RE: Publish App via REST API

Any update on this?

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Jonathan Jedrczak on 24 Jun 2021 11:29:32

RE: Publish App via REST API

Please implement this, it would be extremely useful