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Semantic Model - Better handling of schema changes

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Briton Wells on 29 Oct 2024 20:13:25

  • Currently, when editing a DirectLake model, if columns are added/dropped from the model they do not automatically appear
  • Models will actually start to fail to refresh if columns are dropped from the underlying lakehouse (for example)
  • If the schema changes (or you get errors like "cannot access source column X from delta table X), you need to know to go into the semantic model editor and click "edit tables" then just click confirm which will bring in the new columns.
  • This really isn't intuitive as "edit tables" implies I want to add or remove the tables in my model
  • Potentially to solve this could we just have a refresh button in the model editor which would fetch the latest schema?

Alternatively, is there really a reason to have to "refresh" the schema at all? If I am working with a directlake model I would expect schema changes to automatically be reflected in the semantic model, rather than see refresh errors if an underlying column is missing.