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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Make Submitting Ideas more Efficient!

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Tracy-lynn Foran's profile image

Tracy-lynn Foran on 10 Aug 2023 18:55:55

Submit an Idea is a flawed solution to identifying areas for improvement which potentially leave large flaws in the product to frustrate users for extended periods of time.

Power BI Developers do not have time to sit on here and search for their problem just to give it a thumbs up.

The whole thumbs up premise is flawed.

What MS needs to do is highgrade submitted ideas and then send them out for a vote once every quarter or 6 months. (by email based on users who have been active in ideas/Power BI within the the last 2 years)

If multiple users have submitted a similar request for the same feature, someone, maybe AI, needs to combine these suggestions into ONE improvement request for voting in the poll.

Once the poll has been sent out for a vote, the idea board should be archived with the poll to start the cycle again. Keep it Clean.

If you did this once a quarter, fixing the top 3 voted issues and included a reminder that if your idea did not get chosen to submit it again....

If they don't submit it again, then it wasn't important enough, right?

I think this would be more efficient at improving power bi than the mess of a message board you have going on here right now.

I think it would also increase engagement, because Power BI Developers would perk up at an email asking for them to vote on the next improvements.

Maybe you could even integrate the polls into Power BI Desktop itself to catch developers while they are working.

Otherwise you guys are just hunting and pecking through the message board randomly choosing improvements which maybe do not serve the greater good.