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New property to make a measure not usable with calculation group in a Model

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Cedric Fodouop Kamologne's profile image

Cedric Fodouop Kamologne on 13 Oct 2022 16:12:26

Currently, when you want a measure not to be affected by a calculation group, you should use ISSELECTEDMEASURE or SELECTEDMEASURENAME functions to apply different rules and/or return the measure as is. 

When you have several measures and several calculation groups, it quickly becomes tedious to review each item. 

the idea is to add to the measures objects a property which allows to indicate if the measure is usable with the calculation groups or not. if true then the measure can be impacted by all the calculation groups, if false then no calculation group impacts the measure.

the use case is for example: inhibit via this new property all the title measures (displaying a different label depending on the context) in a model so that they are not impacted by the calculation groups when used in visuals. 

