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Set the default Slicer/Filter Value by a DAX Measure

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Michael Shparber on 21 Jul 2021 11:53:26

Currently, default values for filters/slicers are not supported, except for relative date.

I propose there be an option to set a filter/slicer default value(s) by a DAX measure.

For example: I want my accounting report to open by default on the last Closed month.

In Power Query I have [Closed Month Ind] column in Calendar table that checks for close month indication from an accounting system.

So I create a slicer with Year-Month field from Calendar table.

Instead of choosing some month, say "2021-Jul", I want to set a Default Value to be this measure:

=CALCULATE(MAX('Calendar'[Year-Month]),'Calendar'[Closed Month Ind] = "Closed")

So when my user opens this report, the default month that will be shown in the slicer will be "2021-Jul".

And most importantly(!!!), my user will be able to click on slicer and seamlessly select any other month(s) he/she likes.


Currently, if I want to use my Closed Month Ind column in a slicer, I first need to uncheck it, then, in another slicer, choose a monthVery clumsy and not user friendly. The relative date filter doesn't provide a solution either.

There are many other cases, where this can be implemented, not just date filtering.


Another example, I want to show default Country based on my users' definitions.

Without row-level-security. So my US sales manager will automatically see "US" (base on a DAX measure I'll write) in the Country slicer, but will be able to choose any other country.


This feature was implemented back in 2006 in Panorama software and was called "default member" (OLAP based)

There is also a similar popular idea, but it talks about users ability to choose default.

I am talking about us, developers, specifying default value(s) by DAX.


Please make it happen! Please!


Comments (2)
Michael Shparber's profile image Profile Picture

Michael Shparber on 07 Dec 2021 12:25:59

RE: Set the default Slicer/Filter Value by a DAX Measure

No, Mustafa, this is not the solution.
Your solution doesn't allow the user to select any value that is in the original column.
I am looking for something entirely different.
Just using a regular column and being able to specify a default member.
That's it.

Michael Shparber's profile image Profile Picture

Mustafa Asiroglu on 28 Sep 2021 07:45:05

RE: Set the default Slicer/Filter Value by a DAX Measure

To obtain desired user experience with default selection, you can look at a workaround solution at