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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Allow Measures on the X Axis for Display Value

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Fred Yaniga on 26 Apr 2024 21:06:22

It is currently not possible to display a measure on the X axis of any graph type visual. When a column value is used for the x axis, you can display a measure across multiple row contexts. Sometimes you want the column to provide the row context, but display a measure as the X Axis label. Calculated columns can be used to create dax formulas that work on the X axis, but this does not work when you need the measure to be dynamic and calculate on the fly based on additional filter context from other slicers. Adding the feature for the X Axis to have one column provide the row context and a measure provide the display value would solve this issue.

In my scenario, I have a table with a series of rows having a single column with the value from 1 to 1000. The user can slice on this field with a slider to determine the max value. This same field is used on a table and bar chart visual to provide the row context for measures which dynamically rely on the field value on the given row. The measures also depend on the MAX() SELECTEDVALUE() of other slicers. On the bar graph some of these measures are used on the Y axis, but one needs to be on the X axis, but this is not possible. Allowing a required column to provide the row context, and a measure to provide the display value would fix this.