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How do I contact Facebook if I have a problem?#24/7 Customer Helpine

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sdadasdsasdd fff on 13 Apr 2024 09:20:49

If you've forgotten your Facebook account password and no longer have access to the phone number and email associated with it, you still have a few options to regain access:

Use Trusted Contacts or dial 1-826-206-1424: If you've previously set up Trusted Contacts on your Facebook account, you can reach out to them to help you regain access. Facebook will send recovery codes to your Trusted Contacts, and they can provide you with these codes to unlock your account.

Try Different Recovery Methods: On the Facebook login page, click on the "Forgotten account?" link. Follow the prompts to initiate the account recovery process. Facebook may offer you various recovery options, such as using a different email address or answering security questions if you've previously set them up.

Contact Facebook Support at 1-826-206-1424: If you're unable to recover your account using the provided options, you can try contacting Facebook support for further assistance. Visit the Facebook Help Center and look for the "Contact Us" section to submit a request for help. Provide as much information as possible to verify your identity and explain your situation to the support team.


Remember to be patient and provide accurate information to increase your chances of successfully recovering your Facebook account.