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Under Review

Load data from Office 365 Planner to PowerBI

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on 26 Oct 2016 22:41:38

Create a connector for Office 365 Planner.

Administrator on 01 Apr 2024 05:45:05

8/8/2023 - The planner team have not made any plans to support this connector.

Comments (362)
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Greg MSHGQM on 31 Jan 2025 15:34:33

RE: Load data from Office 365 Planner to PowerBI

You can already load data from Planner into Power BI using the Graph API: is no need for a special connector, you can just use the Web connector.

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Collin Quiring on 25 Oct 2024 20:57:11

RE: Load data from Office 365 Planner to PowerBI

It might be time to revisit this by the Planner Team as more users use Planner now and Microsoft in general is encouraging users to use Planner.

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rummy bo on 04 May 2024 14:11:04

RE: Load data from Office 365 Planner to PowerBI

We're working on 60+ planners. Currently impossible to get insights into status without this.

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Melissa Stockbridge on 04 Mar 2024 17:10:45

RE: Load data from Office 365 Planner to PowerBI

Due to the changes in licensing for what is now called "premium" capabilities which should be basic planner functionality like a Gantt chart that everyone else gives away - I need to create a gantt in PowerBI for all the Planner projects and we must do it without any further special licensing. Please make this easier on the end users...add a connector that is not a premium connection.Thanks

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Power BI on 23 Aug 2023 11:40:35

RE: Load data from Office 365 Planner to PowerBI

Estou utilizando o Power Automate para extrair os dados do Microsoft Planner.Eu tentei utilizar o Microsoft Graph, porem não obtive sucesso no momento da atualização automática  Gostaria muito que o Microsoft Planner tivesse uma conexão direta com o Power BI, isto ajudaria muito na instituição onde trabalho

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Martin G on 11 Aug 2023 18:27:44

RE: Load data from Office 365 Planner to PowerBI

Hi, it's August 2023 - Fabric is the future - and Planner team doesn't want to connect into the future?Please tell me there is a product manager somewhere that can overrule this.

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Vineeth K on 09 Aug 2023 09:53:52

RE: Load data from Office 365 Planner to PowerBI

I would presume that this was a given in "Microsoft 365"

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Matt Dittler on 07 Jul 2023 19:05:49

RE: Load data from Office 365 Planner to PowerBI

It's a bit annoying this isn't already available. Does anyone have tips on how to do this the hard way? I want to extract information from both the task and description and load it into a web hosted PowerBI on a schedule. I'll also need to parse some of the data in the description.

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Steve Rush on 29 Jun 2023 15:49:26

RE: Load data from Office 365 Planner to PowerBI

This is a very good idea. The visuals in planner are limited vs what you can do in BI. Plus, all out other reporting is held in a single power BI Workspace and App.Would love to bring planner data and better visualise progress for our strategic projects alongside all our other performance data dashboards.Obviously there is a way to automate the export of planner data to excel but really why add this extra layer of complexity!

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Dan Carr on 18 Apr 2023 18:05:44

RE: Load data from Office 365 Planner to PowerBI

Please add this functionality. Or, better yet, build out support for the entire Graph API. This already partially works on Desktop if you connect via oData. Maybe Codex or GitHub CoPilot can help you figure out how to integrate this :) Thanks

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