Power BI User on 30 May 2017 13:51:33
Create multiple apps from same workspace infect from same Dataset without replicating the dataset multiple times. only option we have now is to update the app and only one app per workspace can be created which a kind of restrict the workspace usability. If we can create multiple apps share it with different users without creating multiple workspace ... means same dataset no dataset replication, will save the storage as well.
Administrator on 08 Oct 2024 03:11:25
September 2024: Org apps as items are now in public preview - support for multiple apps per workspace, custom colors, and more: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/consumer/org-app-items/org-app-items
May 2024 update: We are working on creating a separate app as an artifact which will release in the coming months. thank you all for the feedback.
March 2022 update: we plan to have a private preview soon and hopefully release to the public in July
- Comments (324)
- Merged Idea (4)
RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace
do it do it
RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace
We need this urgently
RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace
need to be dealt with. we need to be able to publish multiple apps from one work space
RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace
This is essential for larger organisations to avoid workspace Sprawl!
RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace
This feature is a must! We have datasets and want to show data to specific audiences. This is not currently supported.
RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace
This would make my life a lot easier being able to create mulitple apps for different audiences from one workspace.
RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace
This would be great! You can have a common dataset in one workspace doing one refresh, but child reports designed for different consumer groups based on these child reports.
RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace
There is a big need in my company. We are delivering several apps for the same client. Additionally, we need to automate the publishing of application in the Power Shell script.
RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace
Would give my first born for this feature
RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace
We have an immediate need for this feature. Without it we'll end up with many more workspaces than we want to manage, as we migrate from another tool to Power BI. Thanks.