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Support switching SSAS connect model from "Connect Live" to "Import"

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Jay Eckles on 09 Mar 2017 04:01:59

Once a report is created with an SSAS source using Connect Live, the mode cannot currently be switched to Import. This is frustrating if we have a report that we decide we want to publish to the web.

Comments (49)
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Alexis Aponte on 06 Jul 2020 00:17:09

RE: Support switching SSAS connect model from "Connect Live" to "Import"

Need this feature.

Jay Eckles's profile image Profile Picture

Tony Farney on 06 Jul 2020 00:16:55

RE: Support switching SSAS connect model from "Connect Live" to "Import"

It's hard to believe this feature is not yet implemented because it seems so important since the first Power BI version.

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Daniel on 06 Jul 2020 00:14:21

RE: Support switching SSAS connect model from "Connect Live" to "Import"

We still waiting for it!

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Duane Platt on 06 Jul 2020 00:03:08

RE: Support switching SSAS connect model from "Connect Live" to "Import"

Without this ability it causes major rework

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valent pawar on 06 Jul 2020 00:02:30

RE: Support switching SSAS connect model from "Connect Live" to "Import"

This is a must feature, totally needs to be part of the next updates.
Power BI Dev Team ya'll listening?? :P
Come on guys its high time :D

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Eddy Kleinjan on 05 Jul 2020 23:59:52

RE: Support switching SSAS connect model from "Connect Live" to "Import"

Please add this option.

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Aysha Hamisi on 05 Jul 2020 23:59:03

RE: Support switching SSAS connect model from "Connect Live" to "Import"

This is extremely limiting and even if the move back to import is not seamless it would be good to have the option so that we can at least have the choice between the effort required to rebuild the visuals vs creating any missing objects in M or DAX.

Jay Eckles's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:58:18

RE: Support switching SSAS connect model from "Connect Live" to "Import"

I also had this issue for several times. It is very time consuming to build the report completey new.

Jay Eckles's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:53:05

RE: Support switching SSAS connect model from "Connect Live" to "Import"

This needs more votes for sure. Seems like a huge oversight to not have this.

Jay Eckles's profile image Profile Picture

David Erickson on 05 Jul 2020 23:50:17

RE: Support switching SSAS connect model from "Connect Live" to "Import"

I have created a very complex, universal report for our business, that has lots of pages, visuals, buttons, bookmarks, etc. It has been iterated over several months, but we realized recently that we should have done Import Mode for better performance and not Live Query. Since there is no easy way to convert live query to import mode, it means that we might have to pretty much start over if we want to go on import mode for better performance. Even with the copying/pasting feature, I can still see this project taking 2 weeks... this is a must, and I wish it had more than 253 votes...