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Display warning mesage or error message when exporting Excel less than 150000 rows due to data size problem

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Kiyan Chan on 05 Mar 2024 01:07:26

Request to display relevant warning message or error message when exporting Excel less than 150,000 rows due to data size problem.

In current design, there are same limitations regarding uncompressed data size which caused export less data then 150,000 without any warning / error message display.

---From documents---

When you're using DirectQuery, the maximum amount of data that Power BI can export is 16-MB uncompressed data. An unintended result may be that you export less than the maximum number of rows of 150,000. This result can happen if:

  • There are too many columns. Try reducing the number of columns and exporting again.
  • There's data that is difficult to compress.
  • Other factors are at play that increase file size and decrease the number of rows Power BI can export.