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Azure Text Services Custom Functions. Still show the table with blank text service columns if access is forbidden

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on 05 Oct 2018 15:16:07

I have two Querys connecting to the Azure Text Analytics Service to create sentiment scores and Key Phrases.

I use these to create custom function columns. It was fine but now Im getting specify how to connect

I choose anonymous and connect

Access to the resource is forbidden. I know my keys are OK and Im on the correct endpoint. Its worked before.

One person mentioned that they hit their quota and thats why

Currently if this happens you dont get access to any of your dataset. The whole lot goes. Wouldnt it be better to have access you your data set but for the text Analytics columns to be blank?
Also, Say I have 1000 records that already have Sentiment Score and Keyphrases set.

I bring in 10 new records and these are the ones where access is forbidden. Why do I lose the whole lot? Surely those 10 records should have blank columns and the rest be filled in because these have already been done?