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Certified visuals should be able to display external images

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Chris Williams on 19 Jun 2020 22:46:23

Current rules for certified visuals prevent visuals from making requests outside of PowerBI.

The specific rule states:

1200.1.3 Code security
Your source code should comply with all security and privacy policies. Source code must be safe and not pass or transmit customer data externally.

This seems like a good rule, but Microsoft is now interpreting this to prevent certified visuals from making requests to any external location, even to display images. Certified visuals like the popular Image control by my company are now no longer approved.

This rule prevents visuals from displaying images from the Internet or even from a company's Azure Blob Storage account, severely limiting their functionality.

The alternative is to use a non-certified visual, which many organizations may not allow. Non-certified visuals can also not be exported in PDF or PPT.

Report authors should be free to use a certified visual to display images from whatever source they choose.

Comments (14)
Chris Williams's profile image Profile Picture

Josh Sherlock on 26 Jul 2020 23:10:23

RE: Certified visuals should be able to display external images

Agree, we should have access to external visuals.

Chris Williams's profile image Profile Picture

Anugerah Sentot Sudono on 26 Jul 2020 22:59:13

RE: Certified visuals should be able to display external images

This is annoying

Chris Williams's profile image Profile Picture

Pablo L on 21 Jul 2020 23:15:58

RE: Certified visuals should be able to display external images

Very annoying we can no longer use this visual.

Chris Williams's profile image Profile Picture

Maja Sehovac on 06 Jul 2020 00:17:24

RE: Certified visuals should be able to display external images

This is insanity! Honestly PowerBI? Not only do you not have an out of the box simple image viewer, now you are preventing CERTIFIED visuals from displaying images. We have hundreds of customers relying on this. So upsetting.