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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Put Commentary boxes on the report rather than hidden

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Debbie Edwards on 04 May 2023 09:49:03

Add a comment to Power BI Reports in The app is a great feature. However I haven't yet come across anyone who wants to use it over having a proper commentary box visible on screen.

Smart narratives don't seem to cut it either. users want to have commentary boxes on the report its self they can type into and format.

It would actually be the most popular request from users and one that definitely is a show stopper for a lot of companies.

I know you can get a commentary from the market place (Which you have to pay for) but it feels like adding this into Power BI would give a lot more users the confidence to want to use Power BI as their reporting tool.

If you could somehow use the Comments already in Power BI and have some kind of option to add to a text box. That would be fantastic