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Deactivate Drillthrough in Visual to enable Conditional DrillThrough only

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Holger Gubbels on 10 Sep 2020 14:47:15

Today if a page is a drillthrough destination, every visual (which supports DrillThrough) offers the functionality using the context-menu. The more user friendly way is to use DrillThrough buttons - using this way the user see the possibility for a DrillThrough.

If it would be possible to deactivate the DrillThrough from a visual, the conditional DrillThrough can be configured using USERPRINCIPALNAME() to permit or prohibit a DrillThrough for certain usergroups. This could be helpful if the Information about aggregated data is allowed to show, but the details is must only be visible to a certain user group. This could be achived using RLS - but that means that
- every user is able to see the drillthrough - and if using it the page is empty
- the data model has to work with pre-aggregated data