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Microsoft Idea

Power BI

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Query another Power BI data model

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Jack Wells on 22 Aug 2018 14:58:59

We have the ability to use an existing data model in Power BI but what we also really need is the ability to query an existing data model so that data can be used with another data model.

For example, I have one complex data model where I am taking data from many sources and combining it into one.

I am then making another report where I need just a little slice of that data rather than the whole model. To do this I have to connect to the original data source in Excel using the analyse in Excel tool and create a pivot of the information I need. This file is then saved on SharePoint where I can then import that data into Power BI.

It would be good if we could query another Power BI data model in the same way we do a SSAS query. Rather than using the model, we fire off a query and import that data so all of the data shaping can be used in another model.