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Incremental Refresh aligned with Scheduled refresh - Dataflows

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Chris Burgess on 06 Jul 2021 05:21:44

Can the Scheduled Refresh (SR)  information for a dataflow be exposed/used when setting up an Incremental Refresh (IR)? (exposed/consumed in the IR sidebar)

I guess that would impact the 'Refresh rows from past xx'

Currently if the SR is out of 'alignment' with the IR (different cadence etc) data updates will be missed?

By exposing or warning that the current SR is not aligned we would not get the situation where a SR of once a week and IR of 1 day would be tolerated.

As a bonus can we have a 'IR 'from the past' value of an actual date as well as the relative periods already offered?



Battling data 01 at a time