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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Combine two different visuals with similar X-Axis and Y-Axis together

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Deer Meat on 18 May 2022 09:05:30

If the two visuals have the same type of x-axis and y-axis, it is currently impossible to add them together.

For example, if I want to allow the user to choose individual lines AND average lines to be added to the same line chart, it is currently impossible to do so. I would have to overlap two graphs over each other to get it to work. (Example)

This is also the same for Matrices. If I have the same data for x-axis and y-axis, but I want to show both individual and averages that can be chosen by user, it is currently impossible.

Would be nice if we can just choose the two matrices and have an option to combine the two of them together.