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Allow Table and Matrix Data Exports to Match PowerBI Visual

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WALTER on 12 Jul 2016 18:08:52

I have volumes of information to share with my teams that is best presented in tables and matrices. It would be a huge improvement if they were able to export the data from the visualizations and have the formatting in Excel match the formatting created within PowerBI.

This would be especially helpful for ongoing forecasting activities.

Administrator on 13 May 2023 12:04:57

Feature has been released in public preview.

Comments (820)
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Sreenidhi N Upadhya on 05 Jul 2024 07:06:01

RE: Allow Table and Matrix Data Exports to Match PowerBI Visual

Kindly please have the export to excel with conditional formatting (as seen on visual) enabled.

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Yadavagiri D G on 29 May 2024 20:30:07

RE: Allow Table and Matrix Data Exports to Match PowerBI Visual

Please have this export to excel option enabled as the visual looks. It would be of great help

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Jeremy Mo on 10 May 2024 00:34:49

RE: Allow Table and Matrix Data Exports to Match PowerBI Visual

This still is not exporting as my visual looks in PBI due to the switch values to rows toggle is on. Can we get this fixed. Tableau allows you to export as the visual looks and PBI literally says export data as current layout but its like an illusion. Would really appreciate some real functionality.

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Lydia Mosel on 23 Apr 2024 19:07:53

RE: Allow Table and Matrix Data Exports to Match PowerBI Visual

This still is not exporting as my visual looks in PBI due to the switch values to rows toggle is on. Can we get this fixed. Tableau allows you to export as the visual looks and PBI literally says export data as current layout but its like an illusion. Would really appreciate some real functionality.

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Patrick M on 23 Feb 2024 15:17:17

RE: Allow Table and Matrix Data Exports to Match PowerBI Visual

Again, where is this feature located if it has been released?I have a matrix with conditional formatting which is great to view online but there is no suitable export from the many options available. None of the following options are helpful.Data with current layoutSummarized dataPDFPowerpoint

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John Drake on 08 Jan 2024 02:37:58

RE: Allow Table and Matrix Data Exports to Match PowerBI Visual

Where do we find (or how do we access) this functionality?If I select “export data” from the Power BI matrix visual to analyse it in Excel, Power BI attempts to export the full raw data, which is too large to export. I just want the summarised data.If I select “show as a table” I can’t find a way to export data (or copy from) the table. Pressing Ctrl A takes me back to the matrix instead of selecting all as the first step of a copy to Excel.

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Edwin van Halem on 05 Oct 2023 09:46:06

RE: Allow Table and Matrix Data Exports to Match PowerBI Visual

Where can i find this feature?In both PowerBI service and PowerBI desktop i can not find this option, i have been looking in Options > Preview features too.

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Andy Martin on 17 May 2023 20:15:14

RE: Allow Table and Matrix Data Exports to Match PowerBI Visual

doesnt work

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Andy T on 11 Aug 2022 03:22:43

RE: Allow Table and Matrix Data Exports to Match PowerBI Visual

"Feature has been released in public preview."How do I use it????

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Chandra Vadana Rajamohan on 18 Jan 2022 12:28:45

RE: Allow Table and Matrix Data Exports to Match PowerBI Visual

You can export to excel when using Inforiver and the exact same formatting that you see in Power BI is retained. This includes Order of columnsEntire matrix/specific row/column selectionsColumn names as edited in the visualizationRow-first/column-first export for matrix/tables with a large number of rows and columnsNumber formatting such as decimals, prefix/suffixNotes and annotationsand more.Check out this video for more details.

Merged Idea (1)