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Allow Table and Matrix Data Exports to Match PowerBI Visual

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WALTER on 12 Jul 2016 18:08:52

I have volumes of information to share with my teams that is best presented in tables and matrices. It would be a huge improvement if they were able to export the data from the visualizations and have the formatting in Excel match the formatting created within PowerBI.

This would be especially helpful for ongoing forecasting activities.

Administrator on 13 May 2023 12:04:57

Feature has been released in public preview.

Comments (820)
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Tyler Andreasen on 16 Aug 2021 13:58:29

RE: Allow Table and Matrix Data Exports to Match PowerBI Visual

This is a very important feature.  Excel export is nearly useless without an accurate representation of the data.  

WALTER's profile image Profile Picture

Frank Widmayer on 15 Aug 2021 10:13:33

RE: Allow Table and Matrix Data Exports to Match PowerBI Visual

Hard to believe that this is not yet a feature. Now it's announced for October - finally! But why did that take such a long time? And instead of implementing this very basic feature, MS introduced visual stuff and other gimmicks...

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Torben Rasmussen on 10 Aug 2021 15:51:46

RE: Allow Table and Matrix Data Exports to Match PowerBI Visual

Any news about when the release with this export feature is included would be highly appreciated. We really need to export matrix reports as they are shown in the visuals.

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Jose Luis Rivas on 09 Aug 2021 23:49:23

RE: Allow Table and Matrix Data Exports to Match PowerBI Visual

It would be great that you release this characteristic ASAP. Lot of exportations are made based on matrix in our organization.

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Sunil Tak on 05 Aug 2021 11:17:15

RE: Allow Table and Matrix Data Exports to Match PowerBI Visual

Any dates when this will be implemented. Its already 5K votes and more than 5 years. What else needed to take this on priority ?

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Ashish Dikshit on 27 Jul 2021 22:37:42

RE: Allow Table and Matrix Data Exports to Match PowerBI Visual

Exporting from PBI tables is an easy step but made redundant by the lack of this ability in may cases. 

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Bryan Spragling on 22 Jul 2021 23:36:02

RE: Allow Table and Matrix Data Exports to Match PowerBI Visual

Definitely needing this for reports Published to the Web

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Matt Burr on 15 Jul 2021 02:35:06

RE: Allow Table and Matrix Data Exports to Match PowerBI Visual

This idea is being released as part of the 2021 Power Platform Release Wave 2....due in October 2021

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Michelle Vilhauer on 07 Jul 2021 19:59:56

RE: Allow Table and Matrix Data Exports to Match PowerBI Visual

when will this be available?! Hard to believe this isnt a feature already. Please let me know a more specific timeframe. thank you.

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G F on 07 Jul 2021 16:13:18

RE: Allow Table and Matrix Data Exports to Match PowerBI Visual

Clients are stick on Qkliview only because of this ability... I am waiting for 3 year to export briliant matrixs to Excel to my clients and I am doing flows, tiles and etc instead... I had had it

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