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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Time Zones

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Tracy-lynn Foran's profile image

Tracy-lynn Foran on 10 Aug 2023 18:36:27

Why do you make your Power BI developers fight against your product? Why force them into something they did not ask for?

Advanced Power BI Users are tapping Databases NOT excel spreadsheets.

Databases are designed to store date/time in UTC, NOT local time.

Yet, your stupid software FORCES local time onto clean data causing reporting errors that Power BI Developers need to find resolutions to.

It is the END USER who needs the Local Time applied NOT the DEVELOPERS working in Power BI Desktop.

There are already DAX functions which easily convert UTC to Local time, but there are no DAX formula's to remove Local Time when Power BI is applying it.

You're trapping people in bad software design and its horrible.

Please implement any or all of the following solutions to help developers build accurate reports without having to fight illogical Power BI functionality!

  1. Add the ability to select Local vs Data Source Timezone at the top of the column in Power Query
  2. Add core Power BI Desktop settings (Global/Current Report) which allows the user to choose Local vs Data Source Timezone
  3. When Timezone reference is missing DEFAULT TO UTC!!!!