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Power BI Save to OneDrive and SharePoint Check-In Versions

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Daryl Lynch on 04 Jul 2023 12:13:02

This feedback relates to the May 2023 release of Save to OneDrive and SharePoint capability

I have tried this feature on an Document Library with Check-in with Basic Versioning (1, 2, 3 etc) enabled with Cloud Sync (the PBIX uploaded to Power BI instead of publish). I have noted that the saved draft is uploading to Power BI before the Check-in is completed.

I would like the Power BI Content Creator to complete their work and check-in all the changes with a comment before Power BI uploads this new version.

In the scenario, when Check-in with Major/Minor Versioning (1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 2.0 etc) enabled, I want the Major version to be uploaded into Power BI when the dataset is refreshed.

Many thanks
