Power BI
NewPower BI open to personal accounts - allow this idea to be voted up by personal accounts too
Brad D on 24 Dec 2021 18:38:05
This idea is two elements -
1) Allow Power BI to be open to users without a work account.
- Office currently has a free web tool suite available for those with personal accounts (not work), first step would be to add Power BI to that suite of tools. Next step would be to offer the full desktop tool to those with a personal account. Maybe your personal account workspace is limited to your onedrive space to help drive usage and potentially upgrades to the onedrive storage system?
2) Allow this specific idea to be voted on by personal accounts.
- In order for Microsoft to have a complete picture of this idea those without access to the current Power BI ideas system (personal accounts) would need ability to vote up this idea. Currently those with access to the tool (with work accounts) would not naturally vote up this idea as they have access to the tool via their work account already.