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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Add Filters to Shapes

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Ryan Smithman on 04 Feb 2022 18:15:13

Conditional formatting on shapes allows you do to some pretty cool stuff, but it would be great to be able to apply filters to shapes as well.

For categorical data and KPI's, would love to be able to apply red/yellow/green background formatting based on a generic measure, but applied to a subset of my data (ergo use a filter). While I could create specific measures for each category I'd like to evaluate, that isn't a scalable solution.

Example: We might want to flag certain features in our software as good/at risk/critical across a number of areas. There are 30 features, and 4 categories we'd like to apply the red/yellow/green color-coding. From an implementation standpoint, we'd use one card for the overall/aggregate risk for the feature, and beneath each card, include 4 square shapes, color coded for that feature. The filter on the shape would allow us to use a generic measure, by apply the feature filter to the shape, so the conditional formatting only applies to the selected feature. To use custom measures for each feature, I'd have to create 120 measures (30 features x 4 risk categories), which is more work than the benefit it would provide.

There have been other areas in the past I've wanted to do this, but run into this roadblock each time. Given conditional formatting is available for shapes, it seems to follow that data filters on the shapes themselves should be a thing as well.