Collin Quiring on 22 Oct 2019 03:40:22
We often have columns or measures that we want to be formatted the same in EVERY report tab in EVERY visual the same way. There is no universal method to format a measure in every visual in a report. We have to go into each visual on each report tab and do the exact same field formatting (colors, etc.) in each visual. We would like there to be a Universal option.
And, you know what will come next? :-) No doubt, somebody will want the formatting to be report wide EXCEPT for one single visual somewhere. Is that possible too?
- Comments (119)
- Merged Idea (15)
RE: Field Format - Report Wide
Consistent colors definitions should be applied at measure or field level. Check:
RE: Field Format - Report Wide
I agree. This should be implemented also for other standard chart. Check my idea:
RE: Field Format - Report Wide
Consistent colors definitions should be applied at measure or field level.
RE: Field Format - Report Wide
Consistent colors definitions should be applied at measure or field level.
RE: Field Format - Report Wide
Consistent colors definitions should be applied at measure or field level.
RE: Field Format - Report Wide
Consistent colors definitions should be applied at measure or field level.
RE: Field Format - Report Wide
Consistent colors definitions should be applied at measure or field level.
RE: Field Format - Report Wide
Consistent colors definitions should be applied at measure or field level.
RE: Field Format - Report Wide
Have been waiting for something to solve this since starting using PBI. Exactly as the poster described - per-customer colours on all visuals and shared between reports
RE: Field Format - Report Wide
It's very important to have data color conditional formatting in charts with a legend (line charts, bar/column charts, scatter chart, pie chart). Color is one of the most important attributes in data visualization and currently we can't really control data colors when we need (for example when we have multiple lines on a line chart). Proper use of data colors currently is possible only using workarounds (caclualtion groups, overlays of transparent visuals).