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Under Review

Field Format - Report Wide

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Collin Quiring on 22 Oct 2019 03:40:22

We often have columns or measures that we want to be formatted the same in EVERY report tab in EVERY visual the same way. There is no universal method to format a measure in every visual in a report. We have to go into each visual on each report tab and do the exact same field formatting (colors, etc.) in each visual. We would like there to be a Universal option.

And, you know what will come next? :-) No doubt, somebody will want the formatting to be report wide EXCEPT for one single visual somewhere. Is that possible too?

Comments (119)
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Angela Antholz on 22 Jun 2021 15:40:43

RE: Field Format - Report Wide

This would be so helpful. Having to format individually is back to Excel which we are trying to get away from.

Collin Quiring's profile image Profile Picture

Brad Lynch on 04 May 2021 19:35:55

RE: Field Format - Report Wide

Yes please. This would be a timesaver. Hopefully for the Report Server version too!

Thank you!

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Karen Monken on 03 Mar 2021 15:45:16

RE: Field Format - Report Wide

Yes, this would be so helpful! I had the exact situation as the Canada example. It will try to color code based on how they are sorted in the chart, so if you have multiple charts showing different sets of data, but Canada is the highest in one and the lowest in the other, it will be a totally different color. Hard to track the same country across the different visuals.

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Gary Thomann on 18 Feb 2021 01:18:06

RE: Field Format - Report Wide

#,#;[Red](#,#);"-" add colour to custom format

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C L on 20 Oct 2020 21:58:21

RE: Field Format - Report Wide

Very needed!

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Alex on 10 Jul 2020 17:21:38

RE: Field Format - Report Wide

'Perhaps similar to this request. But to clarify looking for the same measure across different charts and different pages to maintain :

1. Consistent Data Colors - If color is changed on one chart, change is applied across all charts in the same file

2. New Chart - If new chart is created in same file and metric with previously defined color is added to new chart, previously assigned color would be "auto-assigned" instead of default color

3. If 1 and 2 are not possible based on some other restriction the ability to import metric specific color scheme via lookup table that would drive this

Nice to have:
- Less clicks to get to HEXCODE editor
- Options for different color selector ie. wheel, square, circle, etc..
- Changing color in right click menu on legend or graph part

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Power BI User on 06 Jul 2020 00:16:35

RE: Field Format - Report Wide

Much needed functionality. When this will be available?

Collin Quiring's profile image Profile Picture

James Yates on 06 Jul 2020 00:16:28

RE: Field Format - Report Wide

I concur! Manually creating category/color uniformity across reports for my users is time consuming. I wish weekly, sometimes daily, that this feature existed.

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Dan Robbins on 06 Jul 2020 00:14:37

RE: Field Format - Report Wide

Wouldn't it make sense to have a Color Values box on the 'fields' view that you could drop a column into to set color values instead of having to go into the format view?

When you have a multi-page report with 4 to 7 Line and stacked column charts per page, it takes significant time to update all of them.

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Power BI Ideas Admin on 06 Jul 2020 00:14:36

RE: Field Format - Report Wide

Please make this an option - it's so fiddly and time consuming have to go to each individual visualisation and then select the data colours!

Merged Idea (15)