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Microsoft Idea

Power BI

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Provide full Personal Gateway functionality for those with 32-bit Windows

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on 18 Jan 2017 01:28:25

Due to the limitations of other business applications that may not have been upgraded or can not be upgraded, many business users are forced to stay with a 32-bit Windows.

By limiting the Personal gateway to only 64-bit, it prevents the use of this feature by those that may be best argue for upgrades to other applications by using Power BI to show the metrics and other data to make the business case for being current.

Comments (53)
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Aleksandr Voronin on 05 Jul 2020 22:59:30

RE: Provide full Personal Gateway functionality for those with 32-bit Windows

Very much needed as our company only provides 32 bit ODBC drivers

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:54:59

RE: Provide full Personal Gateway functionality for those with 32-bit Windows

We look forward to MS creating a 32 bit online services data gateway environment to support Progress and other data sources via odbc.

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Vincent on 05 Jul 2020 22:47:32

RE: Provide full Personal Gateway functionality for those with 32-bit Windows

It is vital to support 32 bit because many infrastructures are still using this platform.

I think of accounting softwares for example that provide only a 32 bit ODBC driver and for which we need to build Power BI reports.
The incoherence is that you can build a report in Power BI Desktop and publish it on the web. But you cannot create a Gateway. Why?

This is very limiting and should be addressed ASAP!