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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Mutiple Data Models to Support Relationship Filtering

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Tracy-lynn Foran on 06 Dec 2023 17:55:24

You have 2 other suggestions already, but they just ask for multiple data models, without providing a reason or method. Below I provide both.

It would be nice to be able to have multiple data models in one report, each with different primary relationships because sometimes we do need multiple relationships and the USERELATIONSHIP function can be tedious. I think Power BI has all the necessary pieces to support multiple data models and just needs to connect the dots.

  1. Make Data Modeling Tabs independent of each other, so that one tab can have a completely different set of relationships & entities to the next tab.
  2. Primary Data Model tab stays as it is with automatic placement and connection
  3. Secondary Tabs are 100% controlled by the User. Tables do not automatically appear or connect. I believe this is existing functionality.
  4. Make Data Model Tabs selectable in the Filters Pane by adding the ability to select one or more data model tabs. Default to the primary data model tab of course.
  5. If allowing selection of multiple data models, this is where you would need to look for circular dependencies. I'm afraid someone with more time on their hands will need to delve into the complexities of this and figure out error messaging and resolutions. But even just the ability to select singular data models within the same report would be an amazing improvement.

You're already half way to this end goal and I think it would be easy to connect these dots and upgrade the product. Perhaps you're already heading in this direction?