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Microsoft Idea

Power BI

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Standalone Fields pane - separate the Fields section from Visualization pane (or modify)

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K Power BI User on 17 Nov 2020 14:36:59

I have many visuals in my Visualization pane, so it is shrinking and pushing the Fields section to the bottom. Unless I am working on a large hi-res monitor, I have barely any room for the Fields pane.

ONLY the Fields section/pane has a vertical scroll. But when you have very little room, that is not much help...

Few ideas...
+ Allow for a separate standalone Fields pane, keep the vertical scroll feature... solves all issues! Also, I work with Fields properties all the time, but hardly need to keep switching visuals... so hiding the visuals select would be a bonus.

+ Add vertical scroll to the entire Visualization pane, not just the Fields section

+ Allow resizing of the sections in the Visualization pane (but would need vertical scrolling in all sections of the pane)

Thank you.