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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


reference visual calculations

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K Power BI User on 23 Feb 2024 17:55:49

Would be great to be able to reference the visual calculation "measures" and use them elsewhere in report.

Liking the new Visual Calculations feature (in preview), and indeed I agree that they can save a LOT of headache and DAX writing to wrap my head around context and, for example, simply pointing to a chart and asking for the max value. HOWEVER, most of the time I need to be able to use that output/value in another way... either in another visual (like a CARD) or a formula to tell the chart what to use for the maximum Y-axis value.

SO, it would be great to be able to reference the visual calculation within a Measure.

I use these sorts of calculations a lot to determine the max values for charts, and they are usually a pain to write. Just tried the same thing with a visual calculation and it was almost instant with next to no code... however, can't re-use that value in any way... so I have to write my painful code anyways and might as well stick with that for now.

Great potential otherwise!! Thanks.