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Sunil Kumar Tak on 18 Oct 2024 12:41:12


I also got same issue. No solution yet.

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Graham Leggett on 18 Oct 2024 11:53:23


Client certificates come for free with a properly implemented TLS stack. Lack of support for client certs looks like a bug rather than a missing feature.

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Graham Leggett on 18 Oct 2024 11:48:30


Looking for details on how to integrate Excel with a client-certificate/smartcard protected data source. The docs are silent on TLS.

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Cristian Pasten on 18 Oct 2024 11:43:24


Totally agree with Terri B...the formatting options to set column widths in tables and matrix is a real problem.

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Jörg Fritsche on 18 Oct 2024 10:59:36


This would really be very helpful, as there is often a requirement to add additional costs such as alloy surcharges and inflation surcharges for external processing.

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Irene S on 18 Oct 2024 09:45:10


And besides colors: a default sorting setting for categorical data would be great. If I have e.g. "very high, high, medium, low, very low" as categories, I need to create an extra table, with these 5 categories as rows and numbers in a second column, then sort the text column by the number column and relate them into my data. Being able to set a manual sorting for the dimension (alongside default colors) would be great.

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Tobias Moesgaard Leth on 18 Oct 2024 09:33:25


Can't believe there's still not a suggestion or solution for this in 2024

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Dale Adams on 18 Oct 2024 03:44:57


Being new to BC, we need this feature added in order to run our business. Please add. Thank you

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JOHN MILLER TRIANA PRIETO on 17 Oct 2024 23:17:57


I agree with that a Project Accounting PO created off a Requisition must be allowed to be cancelled. Because currently there is no way of cancelling a PO line or voiding or deleting a PO. This is a bug which should be fixed.

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Mike Bausley on 17 Oct 2024 21:21:46


As a company with a large number of people who could be working on an order at the same time, it would be extremely helpful to know who else is working on the same order and see their changes in real time, similar to working on a document/spreadsheet within M365. This should be applied to all document/order types (service, PO, Projects, Sales Orders, etc).